Performance Feedback Fatigue?
If all of those ratings, comment reviews, and one-on-one meetings have left you with a bad case of feedback fatigue, you needn’t worry – it is about time to put it all to rest. Before you call it a wrap though, use this time to conduct a post-mortem audit that will help identify what worke
d best – and what must be changed going forward.
Consider the Value of the Performance Evaluation Process
Using the assessment methodology of Value Chain Analysis (learn more at can help us to analyze the impact of the performance evaluation process. Value Chain Analysis helps you identify the ways in which you create value for your customers (i.e., employees, managers, executive, shareholders,) and then helps you think through how you can maximize this value. While it may be difficult to truly assess the value of each aspect of the performance evaluation process, we can apply this method to audit the performance evaluation process by:
- Identifying the activities involved in the performance evaluation process,
- Thinking through how HR and leadership can enhance the value and impact of each activity, and
- Evaluating the importance of making changes and planning to take action.
Audit The Performance Evaluation Process By Reaching Out to Your Customers
While the process is still fresh in your mind and you still have the attention of the senior leadership team, consider conducting a survey or set of focus groups to explore how the process was received, including perceived strengths of the current system and any changes that should be made during subsequent review cycles. Below is a set of sample questions my team and I use with our clients to evaluate the implementation of viaPeople Performance Evaluation.
Performance Evaluation Audit Questions
- What aspects of the performance evaluation process were most valuable for your team? How can HR create more value through the process moving forward?
- How can results be tied to specific outcomes for your business area? How did the process contribute to identification of individual and team strengths/development needs, high-potential/talent decisions, and the execution of strategic organizational goals?
- Which aspects of the process were confusing or challenging? How can HR create more clarity in these areas going forward?
- How were the timeframes for each phase of the process – where were deadlines too tight; where did the process drag?
- Provide your feedback on the evaluation form. Were the performance criteria related to success on the job? Were you able to provide all of the feedback you deemed necessary in the given performance areas?
Involving others in this way will ensure you receive not only valuable feedback that can be used to improve the process next year, but also secure their commitment and buy-in to the performance evaluation process as an important tool in assessing talent in the organization. HR may find it easier to sell the process internally as the link between this value-add process and bottom-line organizational performance metrics solidify.
Taking Action On The Results Of The Audit
The feedback gathered through the audit process will help you identify actions to improve the process. I recommend identifying 2-3 changes to make for the coming year in order to effectively manage the change involved.
- If you currently use performance evaluation software to support your process, meet with your vendor to discuss the feedback from the audit process and ask them to assist you in identifying ways the software can help you implement your changes. You may not be aware of all of the features and functionality that are available that could help you in improving the process.
- If you do not currently use performance evaluation software, consider your options. Performance evaluation software can not only improve the efficiency of the process but also offer you and your managers tools to improve the value every step of the way.
Good luck as you implement changes!